Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lasagna and the approach of Fall

Ah yes, one more sister to go.

And no, that's not the kitchen, but her studio.  I'm sorry to say I don't have any photos of her dinner prep- she was the first one to make a daughter-dinner and it was an excellent twist on a classic: lasagna.  She layered bowtie noodles with sauce, tofu, spinach and baked it.   It was delicious.  The best part of all these meals was eating them, of course - and here's the lasagna going down:

We had a good time sharing recipes and taking turns cooking, but having everyone together in the same place for a while, where the cousins could spend time with each other and their aunts, uncles and grandparents was a treat, since we don't get to do that very often.

As the weather begins to (almost imperceptibly) change, and the school supply lists arrive, I'm a little sad to realize summer is nearly over.  But I'm looking forward to a new season of meals, lunches, snacks and parties to cook our way through together. 
We didn't get to nearly as many recipes this summer as I had hoped, but we had some good meals.

Here's to next summer's vacation!

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