Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Hunting Grounds

After a couple of days out of town I returned home to....the empty fridge.  So, after a quick dinner of defrosted leftovers, we headed to the grocery store.  Now that there are no carseats, diapers, etc. to deal with, shopping with the kids is more fun.

I've used various diversions to keep it interesting.  Sometimes they're in charge of the list, crossing things off as we find them.  Sometimes I give them secret lists and they have to find their items without helping each other.  We've even tried having them order at the deli counter but not being tall enough to catch the attendant's attention proved to be an issue.  It dawned on me today that our trips are the modern hunter-gatherer model at work!  Not only do we capture our food more quickly, but I have the chance to impart my midwestern-tribal grocery store ways (smell a cantelope to know if it's ripe) and engage in instructional-brainwashing we mothers can't resist (don't choose yogurt with fake sugar in it - it's soooo bad for you). 

And I love not having to push the cart!

It's not the most fun we have together, but it gets done.  No buffalo tonight, but we harvested at least three days worth of meals - a success!


  1. Talia looks so hip in her clothes and Jack looks very menacing! :)
